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Anti Corruption Policy

Introduction, Scope, and Application

The CSPL’s anti-corruption policy aims to encourage the highest levels of sportsmanship and promote fair play. This policy emphasises our commitment to eliminating unlawful gambling, match-fixing, corruption, and other actions threatening sports integrity.


Scope of the Policy:

This Anti-Corruption Policy applies to all stakeholders associated with the CSPL, including athletes, employees and officials, partners, and any person or entity associated with our platform. We are committed to fairness, integrity and ethical behaviour by all involved in sporting events and activities.


Application of the Policy:

Our Anti-Corruption Policy applies to all sports events, competitions, and activities organised, endorsed, or associated with CSPL. It encompasses both on-field and off-field conduct, recognising that corruption can occur in various forms and levels within the sporting community


Commitment to Maintaining the Integrity of Sports:

At CSPL, we sincerely believe in the ability of sport to uplift, bind, and offer joy to people and communities. We understand that the lasting worth and beneficial effects on society of sport depend critically on its integrity. Therefore, we encourage trust, fair play, and good sportsmanship among all players


Aiming to implement the Anti-Corruption Policy:

1. Preventing and deterring corruption, match-fixing, and other corrupt activities within the realm of sports.

2. Educating and raising awareness among athletes, officials, staff, and partners about the risks and consequences of engaging in corrupt practices.

3. Encouraging a culture of transparency, accountability, and ethical behaviour.

4. Collaborating with relevant authorities, organizations, and stakeholders to combat corruption in sports.

5. Safeguarding the reputation of CSPL and maintaining the trust and confidence of our audience.


Offences under this Anti-Corruption Code

The CSPL identifies and prohibits several offences included in our anti-corruption policy. Activities that jeopardise fair competition and sportsmanship are among these violations. We have classified these charges to ensure clarity and a thorough strategy for tackling sports corruption.


1. Match-Fixing: Match-fixing is a severe violation involving tampering with a sporting event’s result for one’s benefit or to affect betting markets. This involves purposefully losing a game, manipulating results, or giving away confidential information to others. We have a zero-tolerance stance on match-fixing and will severely punish those who engage in it.

2. Illegal Betting: Participation in illegal sports-related betting activities is strictly prohibited. This includes betting on sporting events that violate local laws, betting on occasions where a person has inside information or using illegal means to gain an unfair advantage. We emphasise the importance of responsible and legal betting practices to protect the integrity of the sport.

3. Bribery and Corruption: Corruption and bribery have no place in sports. Any effort to bribe an official, seek bribes from an official, or accept bribes or additional incentives to manipulate player selection or affect the outcome of a sports event is severely forbidden. We are dedicated to keeping things open, transparent, and corrupt-free.

4. Unauthorized Disclosures: The CSPL’s Anti-Corruption Policy states that disclosing confidential information without consent is prohibited, including team strategies, player injuries, and other details that might be exploited to obtain an unfair advantage. We highly emphasise data privacy and security to guarantee a fair playing field for all participants.

5. Failure to Report Corruption: We expect all stakeholders associated with CSPL to report any suspicious or knowledge of corrupt activities actively. When reasonably suspected, failure to report such instances can result in disciplinary action. By promoting a reporting culture, we can effectively combat corruption and protect the integrity of sports.


Consequences of Offenses:

Violations of this Anti-Corruption Policy can lead to severe consequences, including but not limited to disciplinary actions, fines, suspension, and even legal prosecution. We will conduct thorough investigations to ensure fairness and apply appropriate sanctions to maintain the integrity of sports.


Anti-Doping and TUE Policy

The CSPL Anti-Doping and Therapeutic Use Exemption (TUE) Policy reaffirms our commitment to preserving the sport’s integrity and guaranteeing fair competition. This policy specifies the banned drugs and techniques, the penalties for doping breaches and the processes for issuing Therapeutic Use Exemptions. The CSPL follows the World Anti-Doping Agency (WADA) Code and its essential values, which include safeguarding athletes’ health, guaranteeing a level playing field, and preserving sports’ integrity.


Prohibited Substances and Methods:

● Prohibited Substances: The use of drugs on the WADA Prohibited List is strictly prohibited under the CSPL. The substances included in this list are classified as anabolic agents, hormones, beta-2 agonists, diuretics, and other masking agents.

● Prohibited Methods: The CSPL also bans prohibited procedures, such as blood doping, blood and blood component alteration, chemical and physical manipulation, and gene doping.


Doping Control Program:

In-Competition Testing: During official matches and competitions, CSPL performs in-competition testing to identify and discourage doping. Athletes may be tested before, during, or after the round to guarantee fair play. To ensure the sport’s integrity, athletes must give correct location information and be available for testing at specified times and places.

Testing Procedures and Protocols:

CSPL adheres to robust testing processes and regulations to ensure the testing process’s accuracy, integrity, and confidentiality. WADA criteria are followed for sample collection, analysis, and reporting.


Consequences of Doping Violations:

● Sanctions: Athletes found guilty of doping violations will face punishment per the WADA Code and CSPL rules. Depending on the severity and frequency of the offence, sanctions may include disqualification, loss of results, fines, suspension, or lifelong bans.

● Appeal Process: For athletes who seek to protest the conclusions or fines issued, the CSPL provides an appeals mechanism. An impartial authority will consider appeals to guarantee a fair and unbiased evaluation.


Therapeutic Use Exemption (TUE):

● TUE Criteria: The CSPL understands that certain athletes may need forbidden medications or procedures for valid medical reasons. A Therapeutic Use Exemption (TUE) may be granted if the athlete fits the WADA and CSPL conditions.

● TUE Application Process: A TUE application must be submitted together with accompanying medical documents to establish the necessity for the restricted substance or technique. The application procedure is private and secure, protecting the athlete’s medical information.

● TUE Review and Approval: A designated TUE Committee will thoroughly review TUE applications to assess the medical necessity and compliance with WADA and CSPL regulations. Approved TUEs will be valid for a specified period and subject to periodic review.


Education and Awareness: CSPL aims to inform athletes, coaches, and support staff about the risks associated with doping and the value of clean sports. Resources and educational programmes will be available to encourage understanding, adherence, and awareness of anti-doping regulations.

Confidentiality and Privacy: CSPL values the confidentiality and privacy of all athletes and personnel involved in the anti-doping process. At CSPL, personal information, medical records, and test results will be handled with strict confidentiality, ensuring compliance with applicable privacy laws.

Anti-Doping Compliance and Reporting: All athletes, coaches, and support employees are expected to follow anti-doping regulations and report any suspicions or information of doping activity. Those who come forward with reliable information are protected as whistleblowers.

Amendments and Review: CSPL will review and update our Anti-Doping and TUE Policy regularly to reflect changes in the WADA Code, evolving practices, and improvements in anti-doping technology. All stakeholders will be notified of the changes, which will also be posted on the CSPL website.


Anti Discrimination Policy

The CSPL’s Anti-Discrimination Policy is more evidence of our dedication to advancing inclusion, diversity, and fair treatment throughout the cricket community. We understand how crucial it is to provide a welcoming workplace that maintains the principles of tolerance, respect, and equality. This policy applies to all CSPL participants, including players, coaches, officials, volunteers, spectators, and others interested in CSPL-related activities and events. Discrimination of any kind is forbidden.


Prohibited Discrimination:

Race and Ethnicity: CSPL aspires to promote diversity and foster an atmosphere where people are appreciated for their skills, abilities, and contributions without biases based on race or ethnicity.

Gender and Sexual Orientation: CSPL is committed to promoting gender equality and inclusivity. Discrimination or harassment based on gender, gender identity, or sexual orientation is unacceptable.

Nationality: Participants in CSPL events should be judged solely on their cricketing abilities, regardless of ethnicity. Discrimination based on race or any related aspect is strictly prohibited.

Religion: CSPL respects and values religious diversity. Discrimination or prejudice based on religion, religious beliefs, or practices is unacceptable within our cricketing community.

Age and Disability: CSPL promotes inclusivity for individuals of all ages and abilities. Discrimination based on age or disability is strictly prohibited. Reasonable accommodations will be provided to ensure equal participation and access for individuals with disabilities.



CSPL Management: CSPL management is responsible for setting a positive example and fostering a discrimination-free environment. We are committed to enforcing this policy, promptly addressing any instances of discrimination, and providing appropriate support and education to all participants.


Participants and Officials: All participants and authorities must follow this policy, treat people with respect and decency, and abstain from acting in a discriminatory way—any instances of prejudice they see or they must report experience.


Reporting and Complaints:

People can report instances of prejudice through the secure and private reporting process CSPL offers. A specific reporting procedure is in place to guarantee that grievances are addressed with tact, justice, and promptness.

Investigations and Disciplinary Measures:

Upon receiving a complaint, CSPL will conduct a thorough investigation to ascertain the facts and determine appropriate action. Disciplinary measures may include warnings, suspensions, or permanent bans, depending on the severity and frequency of the offence.


Support and Education:

CSPL is dedicated to assisting those who have encountered discrimination and provides necessary support to the grieved ones through appropriate committees. Education and awareness programmes will be carried out to encourage comprehension, respect, and diversity in the sporting community.



All complaints and investigations will be handled by CSPL in complete confidence while upholding the privacy of all parties. To the degree allowed by law, confidentiality will be maintained while considering everyone’s rights and safety.


Review and Amendments:

The panel at CSPL will review and update any changes or amendments regularly by CSPL to guarantee their viability and efficacy. Changes will be made when required to address new problems and comply with discrimination-fighting best practices.


Clothing And Equipment Regulations

At CSPL, we work to level the playing field for all athletes by enforcing rules regarding attire and gear that encourage fair play and safety. These rules guarantee that everyone has an equal chance to succeed based more on their talents and abilities than their equipment. In all of our endeavours, we put the athletes’ welfare and the sport’s integrity first.


General Guidelines:

● Appropriate Attire: All athletes must dress appropriately and by the CSPL’s rules. This comprises essential clothing that complies with the established criteria, such as jerseys, shorts, and socks.

● Uniformity: Each team should have a consistent and identifiable uniform to maintain a professional and cohesive appearance during matches. Uniforms should display the team name, logos, and player numbers per the regulations.

● Sponsorship and Advertising: Athletes should wear clothing and equipment featuring official sponsor logos and advertising if they comply with the CSPL sponsorship guidelines. Maintaining a balance between sponsorship requirements and the overall integrity of the sport.


Footwear Regulations:

● Safety and Performance: Athletes must wear appropriate footwear to ensure safety and enhance performance. Footwear should provide adequate grip, support, and stability while minimising the risk of injuries. Cleats or spikes should comply with the CSPL guidelines and not threaten other players.

● Non-Slip Soles: Footwear with non-slip soles is mandatory to prevent unnecessary slips and falls during matches. This requirement applies to indoor and outdoor games to maintain a safe playing environment for all participants.

● Accessories: Players can wear accessories like caps, hats, wristbands, and sunglasses, provided they do not pose a safety risk or interfere with the game.


Equipment Specifications:

● Equipment Dimensions: Equipment used in CSPL matches must adhere to the specified dimensions and weight restrictions. Any modifications or alterations to such may provide an unfair advantage and are strictly prohibited. They must be inspected and approved by authorised officials before use.

● Protective Gear: Athletes should use the proper protective equipment to reduce the danger of injuries while playing, such as helmets, pads, gloves, and belly guards. These objects must adhere to the CSPL safety requirements for best player safety.


Compliance and Inspections:

● Equipment Checks: CSPL officials can conduct equipment inspections anytime to ensure compliance with the clothing and equipment regulations. Athletes must cooperate with these inspections and promptly address any issues the officials raise.

● Penalties for Non-Compliance: Failure to adhere to the clothing and equipment regulations may result in penalties, including warnings, fines, or even match disqualification. It is the athletes’ responsibility, and team management is responsible for familiarising themselves with the regulations and ensuring compliance.